PlusMusic API v1.0.14

This page contains a list of all exposed API functions, classes, structs, enums and events for the PlusMusic API.

Functions | Data Classes/Structs/Enums | Events | Deprecated


LoadProject() -  Load meta data for a Project, make it current and auto play if specified

LoadProjectInfo() - Load meta data for a Project

SetCurrentProject() - Make the specified Project the current

LoadTrack() - Load meta data for a Track, make it current and auto play if specified

LoadTrackInfo() - Load meta data for a Track

LoadTrackAudio() - Load audio for a Track

LoadTrackImage() - Load image for a Track

PlayTrack() - Play the specified Track

PlayArrangement() - Play the audio for the specified Arrangement

PlayCurrent() - Play the currently selected Arrangement

PlaySoundFX() - Play a SoundFX (Stinger) from the Resources/SoundFX folder

TimeNextBeat() - Return the time of the next beat of the current Arrangement

TimeNextBar() - Return the time of the next bar of the current Arrangement

CopyTransition() - Make a deep copy of a Transition object

GetEnvVariable() - Load an environment variable into a String

GetCurrentAudioSource() - Return a reference to the current AudioSource

StartPlay() - Start audio playback

StopPlay() - Stop audio playback

PausePlay() - Pause audio playback

UnPausePlay() - Unpause audio playback

MutePlay() - Mute audio playback

UnMutePlay() - Unmute audio playback

GetVolume() - Return the volume of the current Track playback

SetVolume() - Set the volume for the Track playback

SetLayerVolume() - Sets the volume for individual Layers (Stems)

Data Classes/Structs/Enums

PMProject - Class/Struct that holds project information

PMArrangement - Class/Struct that holds arrangement information

PMTrackInfo - Class/Struct that holds track information

PMTransitionInfo - Class/Struct that holds transition information

PMTrackProgress - Class/Struct that holds track loading progress information

PMTrack - Class/Struct that holds track information

PMTimings - Enum that holds transition timing types

PMTags - Enum that holds arrangement types

PMSoundFX - Enum that holds SoundFX/Stinger types

PMAudioState - Enum that holds audio state types

PMLayerVolumes - Class/Struct that holds layer volume information

PMMessageProjectInfo - Class/Struct that holds project/track information

PMMessageTrackList - Class/Struct that holds track information

PMSegmentClip - Class/Struct that holds segment time information


OnInit() - Event returning true once the Core has finished initializing

OnProjectInfoLoaded() - Event returning information about the loaded project

OnTrackLoadingProgress() - Event returning track loading status

OnRealTimeStatus() -Event returning plugin status info

OnArrangementChanged() - Event returning current arrangement after change

OnAudioStateChanged() - Event for audio state changes Start/Stop/Pause etc.

OnLayerVolumeChanged() - Event for audio layer volume changes

[DEPRECATED] Functions

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