Api - PlayArrangement()

Playing a soundtrack arrangement

-- CODE language-cs --[Unity C#]
void PlayArrangement(TransitionInfo transitionInfo);

-- CODE language-cpp --[Unreal C++]
void PlayArrangement(
    PMTags arrangementType, float durationTransition, PMTimings timing, int stingerId,
    bool canTransitionToItself, EAudioFaderCurve AudioFaderCurve);

The tag/arrangementType specifies which arrangement to play, durationTransition sets the transition duration, timing specifies the timing options, canTransitionToItself enables/disables transitions to the same type and curve/AudioFaderCurve specifies how to transition.

Note that Unity uses the TransitionInfo class while Unreal uses individual parameters.

Additional function overload using a name String as an input

-- CODE language-cpp --[Unreal C++]
void PlayArrangementByName(
    FString arrangementName, float durationTransition, PMTimings timing, int stingerId,
    bool canTransitionToItself, EAudioFaderCurve AudioFaderCurve);